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【来源:  日期:2024/03/04 15:22:18    浏览量: 】

闻治国 wenzhiguo@caas.cn



长期从事水禽营养代谢与调控、饲料营养价值评定、鸭肉品质调控技术研究工作。研究鸭饲料养分消化吸收和代谢利用的生物学特点和机制、评价常规饲料和非常规资源营养价值,建立饲料资源精准和高效利用技术体系,缓减玉米、豆粕用量;研究鸭肉风味物质形成规律和机制,建立优质肉品营养调控技术,开发营养健康、风味优良的鸭肉产品,满足消费需求。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等国家和省部级课题10余项,先后在《Food Chemistry》、《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》和《Animal Nutrition》等国内外期刊发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文60篇;作为主要起草人制定《天博体育下载》1项,参与培育肉鸭新品种1个,授权专利20项,其中发明专利15项;获得软件著作权14项;参编专著3本;培养研究生12名。


1.Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis reveal threonine deficiency increases hepatic lipid deposition in Pekin ducks via reducing STAT phosphorylation. Animal Nutrition, 2023, 13:249-260.(通讯作者)

2. Feeding Laying Ducks Eucommia ulmoides oliv. Leaves Increases the n-3 Fatty Acids Content and Decreases the n-6: n-3 PUFA Ratio in Egg Yolk without Affecting Laying Performance or Egg Quality. Foods, 2023, 12: 287.(通讯作者)

3. Dietary methionine deficiency stunts growth and increases fat deposition via suppression of fatty acids transportation and hepatic catabolism in Pekin ducks. Journal of animal science and biotechnology, 2022, 13(1): 61. (通讯作者)

4. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Rubber Seed Oil in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced RAW 267.4 Macrophages. Nutrients 2022, 14: 1349.(共同通讯)

5. Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) seed oil supplementation attenuates immunological stress and inflammatory response in lipopolysaccharide-challenged laying hens. Poultry Science, 2022,101:102040.(通讯作者)

6. Severe choline deficiency induces alternative splicing aberrance in optimized duck primary hepatocyte cultures Animal Biosciece, 202235(11) :1787-1799.(通讯作者)

7. Rubber seed oil supplementation enriches n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and reduces cholesterol contents of egg yolks in laying hens. Food chemistry, 2019, 301:125198.(第一作者)

8.Effect of dietary stevioside supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, serum parameters, and intestinal microflora in broilers. Food & function, 2019,10: 2340-2346. (通讯作者)

9.Effects of dietary energy and lysine levels on growth performance and carcass yields of Pekin ducks from hatch to 21 days of age. Poultry Science, 2017, 96(9): 3361-3366.(第一作者)

10.闻治国,赵璐璐,杨培龙,蔡红英,刘婧,吴永保,王帮磊. 鸭胚原代肝细胞分离培养方法.中国发明专利.授权日:2023.8.27,专利号:ZL202111018025.0